If you know which Doctor you wish to see, you can book directly on,
9744 2666 Orthosports Concord
9580 6066 Orthosports Hurstville
9399 5333 Orthosports Randwick.
If you are uncertain as to who you should consult initially then please phone Tim Neville, Physiotherapist to discuss assessment options on 9744 2201.
A referral is not required to see a Physiotherapist. If you require an appointment with a Sports Medicine Physician or an Orthopaedic Surgeon, a referral is required from your General Practitioner .
Will I need an X-ray?
Very often during the course of your evaluation or treatment x-rays will be required to determine the cause of a problem or to evaluate your progress. Diagnostic x-ray facilities are available at our clinics.
X-rays are usually arranged as part of your scheduled appointment but please bring in any x-rays of the shoulder which have been ordered by other doctors. If you have not already had an x-ray, please do not get one done just for the appointment as we often require specific views to be taken.
What should I wear?
Ladies, please ensure that underclothing is worn to allow the shoulder to be examined with the outer garments removed. Often we need to observe your shoulder blades movement from behind during the examination.
What does Medicare cover?
Medicare does not cover such things as the following:
- Private patient hospital costs (for example, operating theatre fees or accommodation).
- Medical costs for which someone else is responsible, for example, a compensation insurer, an employer, a government or government authority).
- Medical services which are not clinically necessary.
- Physiotherapy unless a care plan is provided by your General Practitioner for physiotherapy, subject to meeting the care plan requirements. Please note that a gap payment will be charged per consultation.
- The cost of prostheses.
- Medicines.
- Medical and hospital costs incurred overseas.
- Home nursing.
- Examinations for life insurance, superannuation or membership of a friendly society.
- Private health insurance can be arranged to cover many of these services.
What do I need to bring?
When you come for your appointment, please remember to bring the following:
- Medicare or Veteran Affairs card.
- Your claim number if it is a workers compensation injury.
- Referral letter from your GP if you are seeing an Orthopaedic Surgeon or a Sports Physician.
- A referral is not required to see a Physiotherapist
- Copies of operation records, medical records, x-rays, MRI’s, CT scans, bone scans, ultrasounds and so on from prior doctors visits that relate to your shoulder (even if you have been told that they are normal).
- If you have seen a physiotherapist previously, please bring a progress letter from the therapist.
- If you have had surgery elsewhere, please bring a copy of your operation report.
- A list of all medications that you are currently taking and their doses.
- A list of any known drug allergies and the symptoms you may have from taking these medicines.
- Any medical information or reasons for admission to hospital.
Please be on time
Our practitioners generally run on time so please arrive 5-10 minutes early for your appointment to supply your personal details. If you are late, it may not be possible for you to be seen that day in order to avoid inconveniencing other patients.
To cancel an appointment
Please telephone the office during business hours. Please cancel at least 1 day ahead so that your appointment time can be allocated to another patient who is seeking treatment.